





 中国は、日米同盟解体による、中国による西太平洋覇権確立の協力者である、民主党の米連邦議会下院議員のマイケル ホンダや、協力組織である世界抗日連合の活動で、米国連邦議会下院で慰安婦対日非難決議を採択させ、米国の同盟国である韓国、台湾、カナダ、オランダの議会や欧州議会、韓国の地方議会、米国の州議会などにおいても慰安婦対日非難決議を採択させ、それらの国々に日本を攻撃させ、日本とそれらの国々を対立させ、分断し、分断した日本を中国覇権に組み込んでいく策謀を展開した。


 第一期は、2007年7月30日、米国連邦議会下院本会議で採択させた、House Resolution 1212、同年11月20日、オランダ下院で可決させた慰安婦対日非難動議、同年同月28日、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議で可決させた動議、同年12月13日、欧州議会本会議で可決させた"European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007 on Justice for the 'Comfort Women' (sex slaves in Asia before and during World War II)"、2008年10月27日、韓国国会本会議で可決させた「日本軍慰安婦被害者の名誉回復のための公式謝罪及び賠償を求める決議」、同年11月11日、台湾立法院で可決させた慰安婦対日非難決議など、国の議会や欧州議会に立て続けに対日非難決議、動議を可決させた時期である。


 それは、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議の中に、この動議に先立つ同年7月30日の、米国連邦議会下院のHouse Resolution 1212のコピーアンドペーストがあることによって、指摘される。

 なお、以下の米国連邦議会下院本会議における、110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 1212と、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議の対比されている決議文、動議文で、


米国連邦議会下院本会議の110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 121, Passed House amended (07/30/2007)2
(以降、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 121):
Whereas the Government of Japan,
during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as ianfu or “comfort women”;

HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA, 39th PARLIAMENT, 2nd SESSION, Motions, November 28, 20075(以降 Canada House of Commons 39th Parliament Motions):
during its wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands, from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude, who became known as “comfort women”;

 このカナダ連邦議会下院本会議のコピーアンドペーストは、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"Whereas the Government of Japan,
during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as ianfu or “comfort women”;"から黒字を削除し、House Resolution 1212の"the Pacific Islands from"のIslandsfromの間に,(カンマ)を挿入し、House Resolution 1212の"the duration of World War II, officially"のWorld War II,officiallyの間に"the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan"を挿入すると、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議になる。


110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212:
Japanese public and private officials have recently expressed a desire to dilute or rescind the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the “comfort women”, which expressed the Government’s sincere apologies and remorse for their ordeal;

Canada House of Commons 39th Parliament Motions:
ii. some
Japanese public officials have recently expressed a regrettable desire to dilute or rescind the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the “comfort women”, which expressed the Government's sincere apologies and remorse for their ordeal;


 110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の出だしのWhereasを、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議はsomeにして、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"Japanese public and private officials"のand privateを削除し、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"expressed a desire to"の


110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212:
Whereas, despite the changes in the post-cold war strategic landscape,
the United States-Japan alliance continues to be based on shared vital interests and values in the Asia-Pacific region, including the preservation and promotion of political and economic freedoms, support for human rights and democratic institutions, and the securing of prosperity for the people of both countries and the international community;

Canada House of Commons 39th Parliament Motions:
the Canada-Japan alliance continues to be based on shared vital interests and values in the Asia-Pacific region, including the preservation and promotion of political and economic freedoms, support for human rights and democratic institutions, and the securing of prosperity for the people of both countries and the international community;


 カナダ連邦議会下院はこの動議の条文の中で、「カナダと日本の同盟は、政治的、経済的自由の維持と促進、人権と民主的体制の維持、そして両国と国際社会の繁栄の保障を含む、アジア太平洋地域における、両国で共有された必須の利益と価値に基づき続ける。」と謳っているが、実に、この日本とカナダの同盟の重要性を謳う条文が、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の条文の、ほぼ丸写しなのである。

 110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212
"Whereas, despite the changes in the post-cold war strategic landscape,
the United States-Japan alliance continues to be based on shared vital interests and values in the Asia-Pacific region, including the preservation and promotion of political and economic freedoms, support for human rights and democratic institutions, and the securing of prosperity for the people of both countries and the international community;"から、"Whereas, despite the changes in the post-cold war strategic landscape,"を削除し、"
the United States-Japan alliance"のUnited StatesをCanadaに変えるだけで、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議になる。


110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212:
Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Government of Japan—
(3) should
clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the “comfort women” for the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces never occurred;

Canada House of Commons 39th Parliament Motions:
v. the government of Canada should therefore encourage the government of Japan...
clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the “comfort women” for the Japanese lmperial Forces never occurred;


 110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the “comfort women” for the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces never occurred;"から、Armedを削除しただけで、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議の文章ができあがる。

 さらに、欧州議会の議員達も、"European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007 on Justice for the 'Comfort Women' (sex slaves in Asia before and during World War II)"を本気で検証、検討したか、疑われる事実を指摘する。

 それは、欧州議会本会議の"European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007 on Justice for the 'Comfort Women' (sex slaves in Asia before and during World War II)"の中にも、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議と同様に、この決議に先立つ同年7月30日の、米国連邦議会下院のHouse Resolution 1212のコピーアンドペーストがあることによって、指摘される。

 なお、以下の米国連邦議会下院本会議における、110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 1212と欧州議会本会議のEuropean Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007 on Justice for the 'Comfort Women' (sex slaves in Asia before and during World War II)の対比されている決議文で、


米国連邦議会下院本会議の110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 121, Passed House amended (07/30/2007)2
(以降、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 121):
Whereas the Government of Japan, during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as ianfu or “comfort women”;"

欧州議会本会議のEuropean Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007 on Justice for the 'Comfort Women' (sex slaves in Asia before and during World War II)(以降、European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007):
whereas the government of Japan, during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s until the end of World War II, officially ordered the acquisition of young women, who became known to the world as ianfu or "comfort women", for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces,"


 まず、U.S.110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"through the duration of World War II,"を、"until the end of World War II,"とする。

 さらに、U.S.110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"officially commissioned the acquisition of young women"のcommissionedを、欧州議会では"officially ordered the acquisition of young women"と、orderedに変えておいて、完全なコピーアンドペーストとして捉えられないように、軽い気持ちで変更を加えた。

 さらに、U.S.110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as ianfu or “comfort women”"を、欧州議会では、"who became known to the world as ianfu or "comfort women", for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces
"と、米下院の、"who became known to the world as ianfu or “comfort women"を先に持ってきて、"
for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces"を後にして、前後を入れ替えた。



110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212:
Whereas the “comfort women” system of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude, included gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violence resulting in mutilation, death, or eventual suicide in one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century;"

European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007:
"B.   whereas the "comfort women system" included gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violence resulting in mutilation, death or eventual suicide, in one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century,"

 これは、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"
Whereas the “comfort women” system of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude, included gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violence resulting in mutilation, death, or eventual suicide in one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century;"という決議文の黒字の部分、"of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude,"を削除し、the “comfort women” systemの引用符の位置をずらして、the “comfort women system”にすれば、欧州議会本会議の決議文になる。


110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212:
"Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Government of Japan—
(1) should formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Forces’ coercion of young women into sexual slavery, known to the world as “comfort women”, during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II;"

European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007:
"5.  Calls on the Japanese Government formally to acknowledge, apologise, and accept historical and legal responsibility, in a clear and unequivocal manner, for its Imperial Armed Forces' coercion of young women into sexual slavery, known to the world as "comfort women", during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s until the end of World War II;"


 まず、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の" Government of Japan—(1) should
formally acknowledge,"を欧州議会は、formallyacknowledgeの間にtoを入れて"5.  Calls on the Japanese Government formally to acknowledge,"にした。

 次に、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"the Government of Japan— (1) should
formally acknowledge, apologize,"のapologizeのつづりを、欧州議会はapologiseとして、"formally to acknowledge, apologise,"とした。

 さらに、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"
(1) should formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Forces’ coercion of young women"の"accept historical responsibility"に欧州議会は"and legal"を加えて、"accept historical and legal responsibility"とし、さらに、responsibilityinmannerforの間に,(カンマ)を挿入して、"responsibility, in a clear and unequivocal manner, for its Imperial Armed Forces' coercion of young women"とした。

 さらに、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"
during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II;"の"through the duration"を欧州議会は"until the end"に変え、"during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s until the end of World War II;"とした。


110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212:
Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that
the Government of Japan
should clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the “comfort women” for the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces never occurred;

European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007:
8.  Calls on
the government of Japan to refute publicly any claims that the subjugation and enslavement of "comfort women" never occurred;


 まず、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"the Government of Japan
should clearly and..."の文頭に"Calls on"を挿入し、さらに"should clearly and"を削除して、"Calls on
the government of Japan "とする。

 次に、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"publicly refute "の単語の前後を入れ替えて"
refute publicly"として、refuteの前にtoを挿入して、"Calls on the government of Japan to refute publicly"とする。

 さらに、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の"
the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the “comfort women” for the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces never occurred;"の黒字の部分を全て削除し、"the enslavement of “comfort women” never occurred;"として、theenslavementの間に、新たに"subjugation and"を挿入すると、欧州議会本会議の決議文になる。

 いずれにしても、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212をコピーアンドペーストした後、パーソナルコンピューターのキーボードで単語、語句の削除や付け足し、動詞と副詞の前後の入れ替えなどを行えば、上述の剽窃の隠蔽工作は行える。

 カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議や、欧州議会本会議の決議におけるコピーアンドペーストを分析して考えられることは、動議や決議の案を作成する段階において(議会の委員会の段階を含む)、中国の工作組織が110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212をコピーアンドペーストして、適当に単語、語句を削除したり、付け足すなどして条文の文面を整えた後、議員に渡して議会に提出させ、その後、議会の議員達に採択に向けた議論をさせ、最終的に本会議で採択させる、という過程があるものと考えられる。

 カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議と、欧州議会本会議の決議には110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212のコピーアンドペーストが多用されていて、独自に作成されたものとは言えず、110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212の受け売りである。

 参考に、カナダ連邦議会下院本会議の動議全文で、どれだけ110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212のコピーアンドペーストがあるか掲載する。

赤字が110th Congress (2007-2008) H. Res. 1212のコピーアンドペーストである。


By unanimous consent, Ms. Chow (Trinity—Spadina), seconded by Mr. Devolin (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) and, by unanimous consent, by Mr. Lee (Scarborough—Rouge River) and Ms. Faille (Vaudreuil-Soulanges), moved, — That, in the opinion of the House:

during its wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands, from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude, who became known as “comfort women”;

ii. some
Japanese public officials have recently expressed a regrettable desire to dilute or rescind the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the “comfort women”, which expressed the Government's sincere apologies and remorse for their ordeal;

iii. Japan has made progress since 1945 in recognizing and atoning for its past actions, and for many decades has been a major contributor to international peace, security, and development, including through the United Nations;

iv. the Canada-Japan alliance continues to be based on shared vital interests and values in the Asia-Pacific region, including the preservation and promotion of political and economic freedoms, support for human rights and democratic institutions, and the securing of prosperity for the people of both countries and the international community;

v. the government of Canada should therefore encourage the government of Japan to abandon any statement which devalues the expression of regret from the Kono Statement of 1993;
to clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the “comfort women” for the Japanese lmperial Forces never occurred; to take full responsibility for the involvement of the Japanese Imperial Forces in the system of forced prostitution, including through a formal and sincere apology expressed in the Diet to all of those who were victims; and to continue to address those affected in a spirit of reconciliation.





 ここに、ニューヨーク州議会下院で第三期の2013年5月7日に採択された、「世界に慰安婦として知られるようになった女性達に敬意を払う記念碑に献身した韓国系アメリカ人社会を賞賛する立法府の決議」K4157の2つの条文が、米国連邦議会下院本会議で2007年7月30日に可決した、110th Congress (2007-2008) House Resolution 1212の2つの条文のほぼ完全なコピーアンドペーストである事実を指摘する。



110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 121, Passed House amended (07/30/2007)2
Whereas the Government of Japan, during its colonial
and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as ianfu or ‘‘comfort women’’;

New York State Assembly
Legislative Resolution K415, 07/May/2013, ADOPTED7

, The Government of Japan, during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands
from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as 'ianfu' or 'comfort women'; and


 まず、米国連邦議会下院の110th Congress (2007-2008) House Resolution 1212の"Whereas the Government of Japan,"のWhereastheの間に,(カンマ)を挿入し、

 そして、110th Congress (2007-2008) House Resolution 1212who became known to the world as ianfu or ‘‘comfort women’’;ianfuに引用符' 'を加える。


110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 121, Passed House amended (07/30/2007)2
Whereas the
‘‘comfort women’’ system of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude, included gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violence resulting in mutilation, death, or eventual suicide in one of the largest cases of human trafficking
in the 20th century;

New York State Assembly
Legislative Resolution K415, 07/May/2013, ADOPTED7
WHEREAS, The Comfort Women System of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty
and magnitude, included gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violence resulting in mutilation, death, or eventual suicide in one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th Century; and

 この条文でも、コピーアンドペースト1と同様に、米国連邦議会下院の110th Congress (2007-2008) House Resolution 1212の"
Whereas the ‘‘comfort women’’ system"のWhereastheの間に,(カンマ)を挿入し、Whereasを全て大文字で表記し、thetを大文字で表記する。

 さらに、110th Congress (2007-2008) House Resolution 1212の "
Whereas the ‘‘comfort women’’ system"から引用符‘‘ ’’を削除し、comfort women systemの全ての頭文字を大文字にする。

 さらに、同じ第三期の2015年3月17日、米国メリーランド州の上院本会議で、出席議員47人(欠席、退席共に0)による、全会一致で可決した慰安婦非難決議、SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 36にも、米国連邦議会下院の、110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 1212のコピーアンドペーストがあるので掲載する。


110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 121, Passed House amended (07/30/2007)2
Whereas the Government of Japan, during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as ianfu or “comfort women”;

General Assembly of Maryland
Senate of Maryland
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 3, Third Reading Passed (47-0), 3/17/20156
WHEREAS, The government of Japan, during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, commissioned the acquisition of young women, estimated to number more than 200,000, for the sole purpose of sexual slavery to the Imperial Armed Forces, who became known to the world as “ianfu” or “comfort women”;


 まず、110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 1212
Whereas the Government of Japan,Whereastheの間に,(カンマ)を挿入しWHEREAS, The government of Japan,

 また、110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 1212

 次に、110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 1212の、"officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces,"から、officiallyを削除し、"commissioned the acquisition of young women"として、womenの後に,(カンマ)を挿入してカンマの後に、"estimated to number more than 200,000,

 その後の、"for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces,"のservitudeをslaveryに、itsをtheに置き換えている。

 また、110th Congress (2007-2008), House Resolution 1212
who became known to the world as ianfu or “comfort women”;の斜体のianfuを標準のianfuに変更して、さらに引用符を加えて“ianfu”とする簡易な変更も加えている。

 さらに、2013年5月17日にイリノイ州議会の事務に提出され、同州議会下院本会議が6日後に可決したHouse Resolution 3658に、ニュージャージー州議会下院本会議が同年3月21日に、同州議会上院本会議が同年6月20日に可決した、ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. 1599の五つの条文のコピーアンドペーストがある事実を指摘する。



WHEREAS, The term "comfort women" is a euphemism used by the
Japanese government to describe women forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese military between 1932 and 1945; and

Illinois General Assembly 98th General Assembly
House Resolution 3658
WHEREAS, The term "comfort women" was a euphemism used by the Japanese government to describe women and girls forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese military at camps, known as "comfort stations"; and


WHEREAS, The majority of comfort women were of Korean or Chinese descent but women from Thailand, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia,and the Netherlands were also interned in military comfort stations run directly by the Imperial Japanese military or by private agents working for the military; and

Illinois General Assembly 98th General Assembly
House Resolution 3658
The majority of "comfort women" were of Korean or Chinese descent, but women from Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia,
the Philippines,
Australia, and the Netherlands were also interned in military camps run directly by the Imperial Japanese military or private agents working for the military; and


WHEREAS, Some of the women were sold to the comfort stations
as minors,
others were deceptively recruited by middlemen with the promise of employment and financial security, and still others were forcibly kidnapped and sent to "work" for soldiers stationed throughout the Japanese occupied territories; and

Illinois General Assembly 98th General Assembly
House Resolution 3658
WHEREAS, Some of the women were sold to these military camps
as minors, others were deceptively recruited by middlemen with the promise of employment and financial security, and still others were forcibly kidnapped and forced to become "sexual slaves" for soldiers stationed throughout the Japanese occupied territories; and


WHEREAS, Approximately three-quarters of the comfort women have died as a direct result of the brutality inflicted on them during their internment. Those who survived were
left infertile due to sexual violence or sexually transmitted diseases and many are now dying without proper acknowledgment by the Japanese government of the suffering they endured during their forced internment in military comfort stations; and

Illinois General Assembly 98th General Assembly
House Resolution 3658
Approximately three-quarters of the "comfort women" have died as a direct result of the brutality inflicted on them during their internment; some of those who survived were left infertile due to sexual violence or sexually transmitted diseases and many are now dying without an official acknowledgement or apology by the Japanese government of the suffering they endured during their forced internment in military comfort stations; and


WHEREAS, It is fitting for this House to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the passage by the United States House of Representatives of H.Res.121 (110th) that called upon the Japanese government to accept historical responsibility for the sexual enslavement of comfort women
by the Imperial Japanese military and educate future generations about these crimes; now, therefore,

Illinois General Assembly 98th General Assembly
House Resolution 3658
WHEREAS, It is fitting for this House to support H.R. 121 passed by the United States House of Representatives that called upon the Japanese government to accept historical
responsibility for the sexual enslavement of "comfort women" by the Imperial Japanese Army and educate future generations about these crimes;
therefore, be it


110th Congress (2007-2008)
House Resolution 121


外国の立法 2008年刊行分
海外立法情報課 白井京
韓国 「日本軍慰安婦」に関する決議

European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2007 on Justice for the 'Comfort Women' (sex slaves in Asia before and during World War II) Texts Adopted

Parliament of Canada
Journals No.26, November 28, 2007

General Assembly of Maryland
2015 Regular Session
Third Reading Passed (47-0)

New York State Assembly
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending the Korean American community for dedicating a Memorial Monument that pays tribute to those who have become known to the world as 'Comfort Women'
Version K415
07/May/2013 Adopted

Illinois General Assembly
98th General Assembly
Bill Status of HR0365
Full Text of HR0365

New Jersey Legislature
the suffering endured by comfort women during
their forced internment in Japanese military

新訂 孫子
金谷治 訳注
岩波文庫 2000年





和田武司 訳 大橋武夫 解説
徳間書店 1981年

第三計 借刀殺人 52-58

第三十計 反客為主(主客転倒) 213-218


